Cleaning – for some a pain or chore, for others a relaxing therapeutic exercise. Regardless of whether we like to do it or not, cleanliness can make a huge difference to our enjoyment of a city when travelling, working, or just visiting for a holiday. Litter-free streets, a lack of graffiti, and clear, unpolluted air and water all contribute to the overall look and feel of the below cities. They are places that are leading the world in terms of their efforts to promote sustainable living, recycling, and supporting the environment, and they are all host to a Cycle Cities partner. The following list was compiled by myself after some light research – it is not intended to be exhaustive, only a rough guide for a bit of fun!
Here it is, then – the top 3 Cleanest Cities in the Cycle Cities Network!
The Dutch capital and one of the world’s leading cycle hubs is, interestingly enough, one of the main reasons that has enabled it to become such a clean and green city to live and work in. Local government and organisations are helping to maintain and develop this status through a range of initiatives targeting at raising public awareness of litter and focussing on the importance of clean streets and water. To take a tour there, visit Mike’s Bike Tours Amsterdam for more information.
Vienna is regularly ranked as one of the cleanest and most liveable cities in the world. Its government and people are invested in the maintenance of environmentally friendly and sustainable measures, and the city has received great praise regarding its investment in waste disposal measures in recent years. A city of clean lines and even cleaner streets, take a bike tour there with Pedal Power.
Drum roll please…. Germany’s second biggest city and verifiable cycling valhalla Hamburg takes number one spot on our list of the cleanest cities in the Cycle Cities network! With plans to cut its carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050 and great cycling infrastructure that decreases a reliance on private vehicles, Hamburg leads the way in the sustainability stakes. Hamburg has also set in motion plans of an impressive scheme known as the ‘Green Network’, with the intention of being car-free in 20 years. All in all, it’s undoubtedly a great climate for cyclists – visit our partners Hamburg City Cycles for the lowdown and to book a bike tour there!
Congratulations Lars – your city is the cleanest in Cycle Cities!

Thanks for reading, and never stop riding!
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