Over the years, we have gathered and distributed a significant amount of knowledge among bike tour operators. The knowledge base is where we organise that information. 

Partner access to the Knowledge Base

We also have slides from every Cycle Cities face-to-face event and webinar, organised here

We currently have the following documents and infographics available in the Knowlege Base:
1. How to Launch a New Tour - 22 page document/workflow
2. Book Direct Messaging - how to get more direct bookings - 3 page infographic
3. Merchandising Guide - what merchandise works, and ideas for bike tour operators - 1 page infographic
4. Displaying Reviews On Your Website - 2 page infographic
5. Branding on Bikes - Ideas, Pros and Cons - 1 page infographic
6. Health and Safety for Bike Tour Operators - 3 page infographic
7. Customer Engagement Ideas that Work - 9 ideas
8. Make Money from Cruise Ship Passengers - 2 page infographic
9. Tried and Tested Follow-up Emails, with a template you can use for your own company - 2 page infographic
10. Bookdirect Optimisation Checklist (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) - 4 page infographic
11. Hashtag suggestions and how to use them - 1 page infographic
12. Optimum tour duration - 2 page infographic
13. Tour Guide Recruitment and Training Manual - 14 pages + 6 pages of training checklists

The knowledge base and slides are accessible to Cycle Cities Partners only. Contact us if you are interested in becoming a partner.