Rayrider Bike Tours


Rayrider Bike Tours Zurich, Konradstrasse 13, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland


Rayrider Bike Tours Zurich, Konradstrasse 13, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland

Rayrider Bike Tours Rayrider Bike Tours

Rayrider Bike Tours Zurich offers you various bicycle tours in Zurich. Our tours are the perfect way to discover the city and what it has to offer. Away from the tourist crowds you will be guided through the urban, trendy and interesting neighbourhoods of this beautiful and bustling city.

Each tour is unique, as the townscape, group and guide are different each time.

The personal perspectives of each participant are very important to the guides of Rayrider. Questions and input are welcome anytime! Also, there will be plenty of time for inspiring discussions during our stops.

Cruise the city on two wheels while getting a taste of Zurich’s urban life. Take a look behind the scenes and get to know the city through the eyes of a local.
